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Human Rights and Economic Transformation – Lessons Learned in the Czech Republic

Every end of an autocratic or totalitarian regime and start of a democratic transition arouses big hopes and expectations. But the initial enthusiasm can be easily disrupted by dissatisfaction and unfulfilled hopes.
In Central and Eastern Europe, and it applies to many other non-democratic regimes, the end was to a large extent caused by the collapse of economy. Therefore the economic transformation was, along with political transformation, the biggest and most important goal of the democratic leaders. For many people the success of the new regime depends on their own well-being. If the people feel they are better off economically, their support for changes is bigger and more stable. Very often you can hear from people that failed to succeed that the old regime was better because it offered stability and predictability.
For the leaders of the economic transformation it is important to keep in mind several points:
1)     They have to be honest with the citizens – The transformation is a costly process which requires sacrifices from the people themselves. Czechoslovakia during the communist regime was a centrally planned economy with heavily distorted market and prices not reflecting the real value of goods and services. Liberalization of the market was accompanied by inevitable rise of prices. The government explained in advance the changes about to happen, provided necessary social subsidies and asked general public for understanding. The liberalization was also accompanied by new variety of goods which were on short supply or were not available at all during the previous regime.
2)      State has to set an example – If the citizens are asked for understanding and sacrifice during the economic change, the government has to demonstrate the readiness to economize as well. Among the first tasks for the new Czechoslovak government was to cut government expenditures, close unnecessary governmental institutions and reorganize the remaining.
3)      The citizens need to feel ownership of the changes – The basic human right of ownership was crippled during the communist totality in Czechoslovakia. Private companies or farms were non-existent because they were all nationalized during the first decade of the totalitarian regime. For the economic transformation it was important to restore the private ownership by means of privatization. The possibility to own, build and manage was a huge asset which drew the public into the transformation of the country. The Czech government introduced several methods of privatization – small-scale privatization, large-scale privatization and voucher privatization. The latter is a unique method where every citizen over the age of 18 was given an opportunity to participate in the privatization by investing a relatively small amount of money to buy shares of state owned companies.
4)      Old injustices should be corrected – The new government bears no responsibility for the wrongdoings of the old regime. But for the sake of restoration of human rights and building trust into the legal system the new regime should make the effort to correct the injustices done in the past. In Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic later there was a part of state owned property which was taken out of the privatization process mentioned above and it was reserved for the process of restitutions. The owners or heirs of the owners of property which was nationalized during the communist regime could claim for restitution. Where it was possible their right of ownership was restored. In other cases they were offered financial compensations.
5)      Economic transformation should be fast – The restoration of private property, rebuilding economy and the whole process of transformation cannot take long as it might lose the support of the citizens. The reformers should use the momentum created by the change of the regime to introduce the measures for the transformation of the country. Also the process of transformation itself naturally creates an army of losers and winners of the transformation. Lengthy process mobilizes powers that take advantage of the frustration of the losers against the constitutional system and legality of the new regime.
6)      The state should encourage individual activity – By creating an environment where it is possible to start business by any individual the state supports the establishment of the whole new system with strong middle class. It has been generally acknowledged that the stronger the middle class is the more stabile the democratic institutions are.
7)      The state should ensure equality before the law – The complexity of the transformation from a non-democratic to democratic regime unfortunately very often means that mistakes are made along the way and windows of opportunity open for those who want to abuse the weakness of the newly born regime for their own benefit by means of fraud or corruption. The reformers should therefore take good care that the justice system treats every citizen equally and the rule of law is ensured.
The experience of transformation is never 100% transferable from one country to another. Even in Central and Eastern Europe, relatively well defined and culturally and socially similar area, the starting points of transformation were different. For example in some countries (such as Poland) the market and private ownership was not as strictly limited as it was in other countries (such as Czechoslovakia). Also the level of economic development will be different in communist China compared to that of North Korea.
But it can be easily concluded that if during the transformation the human rights such as the private ownership, right to liberty, equality before law, freedom of expression and opinion are not granted, the transformation loses support of the citizens and is doomed to fail. Many of these rights are exercised through economic activity and therefore should be carefully protected during the economic transformation.

Speech for international symposium Analyzing the Possibility of Reform and its Impact on Human Rights in North Korea held May 24, 2019 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

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