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Ambrela Development Forum 2022

As stated in the introduction to this conference, we are living in unprecedented times. As soon as the world has appeared to be overcoming the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic with its serious socio-economic impacts, a new, immediate and comprehensive challenge is overwhelming us all.

The unprovoked, unjustified and illegal act of Russian aggression against Ukraine, with an active involvement of Belarus, is causing needless deaths, severe pain, and irreparable damages. This act, happening just behind Slovakian borders and in the vicinity of the EU, is seriously undermining international security and stability and questioning the regional and international policy architecture.

I would like to express full solidarity with Ukrainian people. The heroic resistance of Ukraine, its leadership and its armed forces reconfirmed through the highest price its firm commitment to the European values and principles.

Russia´s aggression against Ukraine has triggered a tremendous humanitarian crisis with a massive number of casualties and injuries to civilians, prompting almost 6 million Ukrainian citizens to seek refuge in nearby countries including Slovakia and Czechia, and further 8 million has become internally displaced so far.

Czechia, as well as Slovakia and other European countries, has been providing comprehensive assistance, not least health, shelter and food related, to people in Ukraine and refugees from Ukraine in the neighboring countries, in particular Moldova. Moreover, Czechia hosts more than 340 thousand Ukrainian refugees who are fully included into the Czech health care, social and education systems.

The consequences of the Russian war against Ukraine are becoming tangible for all European citizens. We are facing new challenges, not only related to stabilization of economic situation, but also in delivering urgent humanitarian assistance and providing safe asylum to people forced to flee their homes and families.  Europeans showed unprecedented wave of solidarity with Ukrainians, expressed not least through enormous public money collection and people-to-people assistance to those in need.

We shall also not forget about the growing global impacts in particular on food, energy and cyber security. Just last Friday, we discussed these impacts and the EU response at the Bi-annual meeting of ministers for development of the EU member states.

In view of all these tremendous challenges it is important to keep our unity – both the non-governmental and international humanitarian actors, the EU politicians, and our societies.

We should prepare for long-lasting aftermaths of the Russian war against Ukraine and it is necessary to start discussions on the reconstruction and stabilization of Ukraine and the region as soon as possible.

That is why I am glad to be here, because sharing ideas and intentions is essential for effective and well-targeted delivery of our support. As the reconstruction process will require enormous efforts and financial resources over many years, a good coordination of identifying the needs and partners and channeling the funds and expertise will be crucial.

Therefore, I would like to invite all the partners and participants of this conference to offer know-how, human capacities and financial resources in order to contribute to the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine, to resilience building of the region and to mitigation of the global impacts.

Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia have been long term priority partner countries for the Czech development and transition cooperation. Since 2014, we have also provided humanitarian assistance in and around Donbas, in cooperation with Czech and local NGOs.  Currently, the humanitarian needs are multiplied and extended to the whole territory of Ukraine, and to the neighboring countries, in particular Moldova.

The challenges are multiple as we all know. Some parts of Ukraine report the highest level of food insecurity. Hindered access to basic services like health or social care is also alarming, particularly in hard-hit areas which remain difficult to reach by the humanitarian community due to the ongoing conflict. Moreover, the growing scarcity of fuel is affecting civilians’ ability to move to safer areas, and impacting also the delivery of humanitarian aid.  

In the last three months, the Czech government has delivered to Ukraine and Moldova medicines and medical equipment, food and shelter assistance worth more than 6 million euro.

Another 7 million euro was granted through Czech and local non-governmental organizations as well as through humanitarian appeals of ICRC, UNHCR, UNICEF and WFP to help internally displaced people in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

The upcoming Czech presidency will focus on Ukraine and other associated countries of the Eastern Partnership like Moldova and Georgia. Czechia is going to devote a lot of attention to the European perspective of these countries as well as to continued humanitarian assistance, and to the reconstruction processes towards a successful stabilization and recovery.

During the Czech Presidency, we will promote the Facility for Ukraine initiated by the European Council in March and shaped by the European Commission last week. It is in our view important to keep the facility as inclusive as possible, including for other than EU related actors.  

We also intend to contribute to the development of a comprehensive stabilization, reconstruction and resilience program for and with Ukraine, with a regional dimension targeting resilience of Moldova and Georgia as well.

If the situation allows it, we would like to facilitate organization of an international event in support of the reconstruction programme.

The goal is to raise not only financial contributions but foster long term investment initiatives and identify expertise both from public, private and civil society sectors, and from local, EU-based and international actors.

We will also pay attention to the global impacts of the war in Ukraine, in cooperation with the currently emerging multiple initiatives such as the Global Alliance for Food Security, the EU-based initiative FARM. 

Dear Madam Secretary, Dear partners,

I would like to thank you for organizing this event, which I believe will trigger productive discussion on our joint way forward in the multiple challenges shortly outlined in my contribution.

Speech for Ambrela Development Forum 2022; held on May 24, 2022 in Bratislava.

Nejčtenější příspěvky

O Senátu

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Janečkova nebezpečná laboratoř

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Mezi dvěma extrémy

V minulém týdnu rozvířila sociální sítě kampaň ODS do Evropského parlamentu „mezi dvěma extrémy“. Objevila se řada vysvětlujících pohledů i účelových interpretací této kampaně.   Ta intenzita je pochopitelná. Některým jde v nadcházejících volbách o přežití, jiným o to, aby ve volbách neuspěly populistické a nedemokratické strany.* A protože mně jde o to druhé, tak se k debatě přidám se svým pohledem. Jeden extrém je jasný – je to protiunijní, a troufám si říci i protievropská, politika stran jako jsou SPD nebo KSČM. Pod rouškou nacionalismu napomáhají destabilizaci tradičního euroatlantického uspořádání. OK, politika v Evropě i v Americe vykazuje mnohé nemoci, ale pořád je to to nejlepší, co máme. A spíše než nadávat, bychom měli pomáhat hledat řešení. A rozhodně bojovat proti extrémismu výše zmíněných stran. Já do této skupiny řadím i ANO. Ne snad proto, že by chtělo vystupovat z EU. Nebo možná chce. Nebo ne. Nevím, zeptejte se Babiše, jak se dneska vyspal. Ale určitě ANO do tét