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Challenges to European Security

First, let me thank EUROPAEUM and the Charles University for organizing this conference! The high interest in the topic demonstrates that today, security is of a great concern to us all.
We live in difficult and volatile times. There is a large-scale military conflict in Europe, causing enormous human suffering and destruction in Ukraine. Russia’s aggression affects people far away from the battlefield, sending waves of refugees across Europe and causing economic hardships to our populations. The war of attrition of military and depletion of resolve may be long or may promptly escalate, for better or worse.
Eight months into the war Putin is not sending any signals that he is willing to stop its brutal campaign against the civilized world. On the contrary, by illegally annexing the occupied territories, Russia closed the door to a diplomatic solution and confirmed that it is ready to raise the stakes. The risk of further escalation is real. Let me be clear, conceding to Russia is not an option. It is not an option for Ukraine and it is not an option for us. If Russia benefits from the aggression, its appetite will grow and the security on the European continent will decrease. Furthermore, if other countries see that aggression pays off it may inspire them to use military power in pursuit of their interest. Any outcome of the war that would reward Russia for its aggression is simply not acceptable. It would be dangerous and detrimental to the collective security in Europe.
We applaud the courage and determination of the Ukrainian people in the face of Russian brutal warfare. The Ukrainian advances are truly impressive. A well-motivated Ukrainian army is leading 21st century style operations. It beats confused and apathetic Russian troops, with a chaotic command. We trust Ukraine will prevail and win the war. Its supremacy is based on moral grounds and strong determination to preserve its statehood. Of course, Western military supplies are the necessary enablers and must and will continue.
We believe that rapid and sustained deliveries of modern military equipment to Ukraine and the related training may shorten the war and lessen the human suffering. Czechia was the first to deliver tanks, heavy artillery pieces, heavy rocket launchers, armoured personnel carriers and attack helicopters to Ukraine. Moreover, our early contributions had a multiplying effect. They encouraged bigger and better equipped European countries to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. Per capita, Czechia still belongs to the five biggest suppliers of military equipment. To keep supporting Ukraine, Czechia intends to enhance new production of military material.
It is Russia´s strategy and ultimate hope to divide our countries, to spread fear and sow discord within our society. I am proud that we resist, that we do not capitulate against its threats. I applaud NATO and EU for combining their effort and realizing that they must stay strategically united.
Yet, inevitably, there will be bad news again – on the Ukrainian front but also back home in the context of the energy crises and economic hardships we will be facing because of the war. That is why, in parallel, we need to step up our financial support to Ukraine and explain back home why it is so vital to do that.  Nevertheless, in the war of depletion of will, I trust we will be the winning side.
Underestimating Western Unity was one of the Putin´s greatest miscalculations that led him into the war. Our quarrelling within NATO, within the transatlantic community encouraged Russia to attack. Our own mistakes made him - in a certain way - believe that he might divide us and that he may win. It shall be a lesson learned for the future - in geopolitics, impressions – especially the wrong-ones – matter and may have terrible consequences.
Russian imperial ambitions have no limits, unless we set them. If it were allowed to, Russia would not hesitate to attack and try to conquer countries that were once locked behind the Iron curtain by the former Soviet Union. Countries that are yet outside EU and NATO are naturally facing greater risk than those of us who are already members of both organizations. It is therefore very important that EU granted candidate status to Moldova (congratulations, Minister!) and that NATO too is developing programmes to support countries at risk, like Moldova, Georgia or Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In Ukraine, the immediate war destruction is immense. In the long term, however, Putin is causing greater damage to Russia itself and its people. While the world is already mobilizing for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, Russia may waste decades of economic and technological development.  It definitely loses much of the European oil and gas market. Unless there is a profound internal reflection and change, Russia will face international isolation many years after the war.
We watch carefully the fractures within the Russian information space. Although these are mostly extremists and hardliners who challenge the unity so far, it may open the way to the voices of those who do not wish Russia to fight. Russian people should be the first to stop Putin´s plans.
Russia’s unprecedented attack on Ukraine shook the very foundations of European security architecture and the international system.  We have yet to come to terms with how significant it is to the rules-based security order. Yes, it was an attack against Ukraine, but its aim was far wider than that. Russia’s ambition is to change the world order to the benefit of itself and its supporters and it does that in total disregard of the UN Chapter and 10 principles of the Helsinki final act. 
Be sure that China and others are watching very closely our response to the Russian actions; they evaluate our readiness to stand by our principles and values and to fight back. China and Russia share common goals in seeking to push back against rules-based international order, secure their perceived spheres of interest in 19th century colonial style of geopolitics, and sow discord between Allies. The China-Russia Alignment, demonstrated among others by Chinese state media and leaders routinely repeating and amplifying Russian anti-Western narratives, stresses the need for a more intense and strategic cooperation with like-minded partners around the globe.
If we fail to support Ukraine to win this fight, we will fail ourselves as well as our partners around the world; we will fail in our efforts to shape the 21st century as a century of peace and prosperity.

Speech held on October 25, 2022 at the conference Challanges to European Security, organized by EUROPEAUM and the Charles University in Prague.

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