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EU - CELAC Ministerial meeting

First of all, let me emphasize that the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean are key partners, sharing many common values and interests. Today, unfortunately, we are facing countless common challenges. We are witnessing unprecedented humanitarian needs around the world, due to the competing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and growing instability, especially due to the Putin´s invasion of Ukraine. 

One of the most pressing among these needs is the access to and affordability of food and nutrition. The compounded impacts from a global pandemic, growing pressures from the climate crisis, high energy and fertilizer prices, and protracted conflicts, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have disrupted production and supply chains, and dramatically increased global food insecurity.

The EU and its Member States, including Czechia, have been global leaders in facilitating urgent food assistance and preventing famine. However, it is by far not enough, repeatedly to mobilize donors and funds in order to prevent the worst scenarios of hunger, malnutrition, and famine.

We are convinced that we have to do more in order to prevent hunger and famine, reduce food insecurity and malnutrition, and achieve sustainable and resilient global food security. To this end, we shall act swiftly and jointly and in a comprehensive way, combining quick response mechanisms with large-scale stabilization, and local, regional and global resilience building with long-term sustainable development.

As part of this effort we shall continue to work together to enhance regional and global food systems and encourage green transformation. We shall also invest in climate smart adaptation of agriculture, water and forest management and in overall rural development.

The EU has developed both country-based and regional Team Europe Initiatives, targeting the need for sustainable and green post-pandemic recovery and climate-smart development. The core of these initiatives is results-based partnerships – partnerships between countries and regions, between public, private and civil sectors, with regional and global institutions.

Czechia, as the current Presidency in the Council of the European Union, attaches great importance to these topics. Therefore, we have hosted an event on the role of humanitarian diplomacy in anticipating and preventing food crises in the sidelines of the Ministerial Week of the recent UN General Assembly, along with several countries and with global and regional institutions.

Our joint effort has contributed to the renewed export of agricultural products from Ukraine, both for the humanitarian food assistance and for trade, with measurable positive impact on global food prices. We also participate in various global and regional initiatives aimed at active reducing of food fragility and enhancing of local, regional and global food systems such as the Global Coalition against Food Crises.

We are ready to learn from the lessons of CELAC countries in sustainable recovery and regional cooperation aimed at enhancing food security and resilience. We are looking forward to discussing and finding ways how to cooperate to reduce global food insecurity and mitigate the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic and climate change.

Russian brutal destruction of peace in Europe violates the fundamental principles of international law. Our two regions should cooperate even more closely within the UN, the WTO and other international bodies not only to counter Putin but also to enhance growth, employment, and economic ties. We must join forces and seize the opportunities by signing and implementing the agreements with Mexico, Chile, and MERCOSUR.

Our government subscribes to the legacy of late President Vaclav Havel, who by the way visited this beautiful city 26 years ago. Let me underscore here that promotion of democracy, Rule of Law and respect to Human Rights will always remain at the core of our agenda. It is essential the human rights defenders are able to perform their activities without persecution. Freedom of speech and the right to demonstrate should be guaranteed all over the world.

I am glad that we have this forum to discuss such important global issues. Czechia, and the EU, will remain your steadfast partners as we continue to work together to solve today’s global challenges and work towards a better future.  

The speech was held at the Ministerial meeting of the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on 27 October 2022 in Buenos Aires. 

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O Senátu

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Mezi dvěma extrémy

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