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World Water Week 2022

First I would like to thank the organizers for inviting the Czech EU Presidency to this event to discuss the important topic of security implications of climate change.

The evidence is clear: according to the recent IPCC Assessments on Impacts of Climate Change, approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change. Extreme weather and climate events have exposed millions of people to acute food insecurity and reduced water security, hindering the efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goals. Climate change is contributing to humanitarian crises, and is increasingly driving instability and forced displacement.

Recently, the brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine has significantly deepened these problems. It has caused a huge humanitarian crisis in Europe as well as energy and food crises on a global scale. All this jeopardizes the efforts for climate protection.

In 2007, first-ever debate on the impact of climate change on peace and security was held in the UN Security Council, based on the initiative of the United Kingdom. Same year the European Council initiated the first joint EU report on the impact of climate change on the international security. And now the Climate Diplomacy is one of the key policies of the European Union. It is built on three major pillars: multilateralism, development cooperation and climate security. Those pillars are not separable and we have to make the efforts to integrate them even further.

The EU welcomes the recently adopted UN resolution acknowledging the universal human right to clean, healthy and sustainable environment. EU is interested in the successful outcomes of both, the UN Climate Conference COP27 as well as of the UN Water Conference next year.

Progress on building climate resilience - adaptation agenda and agenda of loss and damages – should be one of the major topics at the COP conference. Generally, countries that have historically contributed least to the global emission budget suffer most by the adverse impacts of climate change. Some climate vulnerable countries face climate induced conflicts. The existence of other countries such as small island developing states is threatened.

The European Union - as well as Czechia in its national capacity - deeply regret that the UN draft resolution on climate and security was vetoed last December.

The EU is the biggest provider of Official Development Assistance and the biggest provider of climate finance. The whole third of all climate finance is provided by the EU and its Member States and the share on mitigation and adaptation is quite balanced.

Moreover, at least 30 % of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 – 2027 budget has to be allocated to climate action, including for the purposes of the EU development cooperation.

However, it is clear that no country can save the climate alone. Even the European Union with its ambitious activities such as Fit for 55 or RePowerEU Plan cannot save the climate alone as it emits less than 10 % of global emissions. We have to find solutions together. It is vital that the biggest polluters become an active part of this process.

Czechia holds the climate security high on its EU Presidency agenda. In our approach it is a paramount task to integrate climate security nexus in all development and humanitarian undertakings to see the real change on the ground. We generally strongly support implementation of the humanitarian, development and peace nexus. During our Presidency, we build on the relevant expertise of the OECD in the formulation of the EU development cooperation and humanitarian assistance policies against the backdrop of climate change. Especially policies of more efficient Disaster Risk Reduction in the context of climate change and fragility shall be elaborated.

We intend to draft Council Conclusions on this subject, highlighting the role of early warning systems, preparedness, anticipated humanitarian action and participatory work on adaptation. In this way we would like to encourage mainstreaming of DRR related measures in the framework of National, EU and Global Development Plans as a major components serving to build climate resilience.

Czechia also strongly supports the organization of the 2023 UN Water Conference, which will be a unique opportunity to raise the global attention to an urgent need for action on water-related issues to meet the 2030 Agenda. In this context, it is key to strengthen water governance, human rights related to water and sanitation as well as other related human rights, enhance action across the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus and the linkages with the climate agenda, as well as a more effective implementation of water policies at all levels. We cannot forget that water-related conflicts have also the potential to affect international peace and security.

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to communicate and share lessons and successful solutions – I view this event as an excellent opportunity to do so.  

Speech for the World Water Week 2022; held on August 31, 2022 in Stockholm.

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Mezi dvěma extrémy

V minulém týdnu rozvířila sociální sítě kampaň ODS do Evropského parlamentu „mezi dvěma extrémy“. Objevila se řada vysvětlujících pohledů i účelových interpretací této kampaně.   Ta intenzita je pochopitelná. Některým jde v nadcházejících volbách o přežití, jiným o to, aby ve volbách neuspěly populistické a nedemokratické strany.* A protože mně jde o to druhé, tak se k debatě přidám se svým pohledem. Jeden extrém je jasný – je to protiunijní, a troufám si říci i protievropská, politika stran jako jsou SPD nebo KSČM. Pod rouškou nacionalismu napomáhají destabilizaci tradičního euroatlantického uspořádání. OK, politika v Evropě i v Americe vykazuje mnohé nemoci, ale pořád je to to nejlepší, co máme. A spíše než nadávat, bychom měli pomáhat hledat řešení. A rozhodně bojovat proti extrémismu výše zmíněných stran. Já do této skupiny řadím i ANO. Ne snad proto, že by chtělo vystupovat z EU. Nebo možná chce. Nebo ne. Nevím, zeptejte se Babiše, jak se dneska vyspal. Ale určitě ANO do tét