Přeskočit na hlavní obsah

Zahájení Česko-izraelského fóra v Tel Avivu

 Dear Deputy President, Distinguished Colleagues, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,

A strong and deeply rooted friendship between the Czech and Israeli people was recently described as a “Mysterious Bond”.  At the first glance, it seems rather exceptional that two nations who live in different regions quite far away feel so much mutual sympathy and affection. However, there are many reasons why that relationship is so special, including those anchored in history and shared values. Moreover, it is also based on our mutual respect and understanding. We are attentive to each other and this openness strengthens vibrant Czech-Israeli partnerships at all levels: political, economic, cultural, and, last but not least, in the field of research. 

We cherish that Czech and Israeli scientists work together on a number of bilateral and multilateral projects of common interest. The output of their collaborations is growing year by year measured not only in terms of joint publications but also in terms of new practical applications. Still, there is much potential to unlock against the background of the high quality and large scope of research in our countries. Czechia and Israel are both developed mid-sized nations that intend to build their future prosperity and growth on new technologies and services. We also share the same challenges such as the need to quickly decarbonize our industry, housing and transportation, and, at the same time, achieve energy security. We are very much aware that the dependence on fossil fuels is not sustainable and that we need a profound and speedy transformation. 

That is why I believe that sustainable energy is a topic very well chosen for our collaboration. We are grateful to Bar-Ilan University for its invitation to discuss concrete opportunities, projects and partnerships. Bar-Ilan is a national hub for research in areas such as sustainable-energy sources, large energy storage, and hydrogen economy. Moreover, it builds on the vast experience and knowledge. On the other hand, we believe that we can match those outstanding capabilities with expertise and knowledge of excellent Czech research centers whose distinguished representatives participate at the today's event. The overall objective is to promote transfer of newly developed technologies into practical solutions. Israeli researchers are very successful and recognized in this regard. However, the Czech research teams are ready to present some very promising solutions that could find their way to the market.

Dear friends, let me remind that Bar-Ilan Center for Smart Cities was one of the key co-organizers of the Czech-Israeli Forum on Innovations that took place a year ago in the Czernin Palace. This forum deliberated upon joint projects in the field of digital technologies applicable for urban planning and development. Among the concrete outcomes were joint proposals, one of them put forward in the framework of Horizon Europe. Professor Eyal Yaniv was the main coordinator on the Israeli side then and was the main driving force this year. Let me recognize his tireless efforts and express our appreciation. He has been working together with Professor Vladimír Mařík, the Scientific Director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics and the Special Envoy for Science Diplomacy, Petr Kaiser. 

Our intention is to expand partnerships in applied research that will be to mutual benefit. The Czech diplomatic service is ready to continue to play its role. Israel was the first country where our specialized science counsellor, Delana Mikolášová, was deployed. We continue to expand our capacities in science diplomacy at our embassies in abroad, namely through education and pre-deployment training as well as at the headquarters where we recently created a new RDI Division within the Department of Economic and Science Diplomacy.  

To conclude, let me thank all those, whose hard work has made this event possible, and particularly for the hospitality of Bar-Ilan University. What better day could we chose for this event. Today, we celebrate the International day of Light commemorating the first successful operation of the laser in 1960. The day which promotes strengthening of scientific cooperation and harnessing its potential to foster peace and sustainable development. I have no doubts that today will be an important boost for our collaboration in the key areas for our future scientific and technological development. 

I wish you all of you a lot of success.

The speech was held on 16 May 2023 at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv.

Nejčtenější příspěvky

O Senátu

Senát je třeba zrušit, není myšlenka úplně nová. Mnohokrát jsme slýchali o jeho zbytečnosti a vyhozených penězích. Nový rozměr anti-senátnímu tažení dal nárůst autoritářských choutek představitelů nesystémových stran v čele s ANO, KSČM a SPD. Tyto strany v Senátu vidí svého nepřítele, protože se jim nedaří jej ovládnout. Populismus stačí na poměrný systém, který máme například v Poslanecké sněmovně. Ale ve dvoukolové většinové senátní volbě se proti populistům zpravidla postaví rozumnější většina. A tak je logika jasná: nejde-li to podrobit, je třeba to zrušit. Obrana demokracie Za posledních deset let jsem z pozice ředitele CEVRO uspořádal projekty podpory demokracie pro demokratické lídry z víc jak padesátky zemí světa. Jenže zatímco jsem venku přednášel o svobodě a demokracii, začala se ta rozpadat u nás v Čechách. A tak chci vstoupit do politiky aktivně, abych mohl naší svobodu podpořit přímo. Dění posledních měsíců jasně ukazuje, jak je Senát potřebný. Je tím posledním orgá

Janečkova nebezpečná laboratoř

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Mezi dvěma extrémy

V minulém týdnu rozvířila sociální sítě kampaň ODS do Evropského parlamentu „mezi dvěma extrémy“. Objevila se řada vysvětlujících pohledů i účelových interpretací této kampaně.   Ta intenzita je pochopitelná. Některým jde v nadcházejících volbách o přežití, jiným o to, aby ve volbách neuspěly populistické a nedemokratické strany.* A protože mně jde o to druhé, tak se k debatě přidám se svým pohledem. Jeden extrém je jasný – je to protiunijní, a troufám si říci i protievropská, politika stran jako jsou SPD nebo KSČM. Pod rouškou nacionalismu napomáhají destabilizaci tradičního euroatlantického uspořádání. OK, politika v Evropě i v Americe vykazuje mnohé nemoci, ale pořád je to to nejlepší, co máme. A spíše než nadávat, bychom měli pomáhat hledat řešení. A rozhodně bojovat proti extrémismu výše zmíněných stran. Já do této skupiny řadím i ANO. Ne snad proto, že by chtělo vystupovat z EU. Nebo možná chce. Nebo ne. Nevím, zeptejte se Babiše, jak se dneska vyspal. Ale určitě ANO do tét